HomeChurch RecordsWho came before Sentino?


Who came before Sentino? — 6 Comments

  1. I’ve just explored this website in more detail than before, and am really impressed with both content and presentation, great work Danita! Looking forward to reading further discoveries about Joe’s ancestry, and perhaps an overlap!

    • Thanks Tom! I’ve found some “uncle of brother-in-law of great-grandmother of Joe Zanrè overlaps – but that’s it so far 🙂

  2. Fantastic achievement deciphering these documents so far in the past.
    I really appreciate the work you have put into this
    Thank You on behalf of my side of the family.

  3. Gosh Danita, I’m just so impressed by all the effort you put into building such a great record of the Zanres through the centuries. I’m amazed that you traced them back to the 1500s. What an incredible accomplishment. I’m so very glad we connected; I learned so much from you and I am so grateful. Thank you !

    (My Zanre great-grandmother originated from San Vincenzo but relocated to the “gold country” in Northern California in the late 1880s. She joined her husband, Domenicio Marchini of Campi, Albareto, who arrived the year before).

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