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Up in the Taro Valley and Appennine mountains, Zanrè is a well-known, recognized local name. It is mostly unknown anywhere else. There are Zanrè in almost every small hamlet in the comune areas of Borgo Val di Taro, Albareto, Bedonia. They spread across the mountain into Lunigiana. They migrated to the big cities of Milan and Bologna. But, the Zanrè were mountain people in the 1500s, and continue to be so in the 2000s.


Nearly all people of Italian heritage who have the surname Zanrè (with or without an accent, grave or acute) seem to have originated in the mountains of the High Valtaro region. And while the Zanrè have been here in the Apennine mountains for over 450 years where Liguria, Tuscany and Emilia-Romagna meet, they have also roamed the world. England, Scotland, the United States, Switzerland, Canada, Brazil. These are just a few places that the Zanrè now call home.

This web site is an attempt to provide the Zanrè scattered around the world with good genealogical data on how we are all connected. This site aims to identify and provide access to both original source documents and family narratives. Our genealogy and narrative histories are much more meaningful when shared. If you have documentation, stories and photos about your Zanrè family that you would like to share, please forward an electronic copy and it will be posted with proper references and credit to you. Create an account HERE if you would like to participate in the building of this site!

Where We Come From

If you are not a local in the Valtaro region, you simply need mention your surname at any bar or restaurant, and you will hear “oh, a good local name”.  The Zanrè name can be found in the church records of San Vincenzo as far back as the late 1500s.  Valdena, Rovinaglia, Campi, San Vincenzo, Borgo Val di Taro, Albareto: all are familiar places in the history of the Zanrè.  Certainly there are some other Zanrè families that do not have ties to this Apennine Valley!  We haven’t found them yet, have you??